How Do You Feel About Online Learning Tools? [INFOGRAPHIC]

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Online LearningResources
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Katie Montgomery is the Executive Manager of Marketing Content at Cengage. She’s got a passion for animal rescue and loves providing content to help make teaching life a little easier for faculty.


When it comes to the concept of teaching with online learning tools, every college instructor has a different comfort level. Some only have eyes for digital, while others swear by print. For print loyalists, maybe it’s a distaste for change or a lack of tech-savvy that motivates them to stick with the traditional; for digital enthusiasts, it could be mobile convenience or a love for the latest technologies that drives them to integrate.

We surveyed some of our customers to get a feel for their experience adopting digital for the first time and better understand how they felt prior to abandoning the print-only approach. Check out our infographic to learn about their initial hesitations, what led them to try something new and how they feel about educational technology now that they’ve made the “digital leap.”