Introducing WebAssign for Chemistry Are you looking for ways to improve your chemistry students’ online learning experience? We think it’s a great time to let you know that six new and revised chemistry titles are coming...
Developing a Conceptual Understanding of Calculus With WebAssign [GUIDE] Calculus is at the heart of a STEM education. It’s not simply a course for students to get through, but rather a foundation on which they’ll build their future careers. To help...
Soft Skills for STEM Success Author: Katie McPhee While there are currently thousands of STEM positions open, there is a lack of work-ready STEM professionals graduating from higher education institutions. They may have the required technical skills,...
Three Ways to Address STEM Attrition Through EdTech Recent shifts in the global economy has placed a new national focus on the STEM–Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics–fields. However, we are simultaneously facing a crisis of STEM attrition as large swaths...