What Works in Online Teaching? Professor Lisa Lawmaster Hess mentions a few tools and techniques that worked for her in her online classes (Seven Things That Worked in My Online Class) and many of them were also...
Student Retention in the COVID-19 Era: What to Know Janet Mizrahi is a continuing lecturer who teaches professional writing at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She is also an author at BizCommBuzz. One of the most pressing problems facing...
6 Ways to Create Meaningful Learning Experiences Online Elyse Adler is an Assistant Professor of Information Technology Online learning is something that is new to many faculty and students. When building an online course, it is important to create...
What’s Next? How I’m Planning for Success Amid the Unknown Sherri Singer is a professor and Department Head for Social & Behavioral Sciences at Alamance Community College in North Carolina. The pandemic is not over! While many states have lifted some...
The Fight for Racial Justice in the Classroom: One Educator Weighs In Christal E. Carmichael is a Professor of Psychology at North Carolina Central University. It takes a very strong and confident individual to identify, acknowledge and work to rectify an issue that...
Considering How to Plan My Fall Course in a HyFlex Model Essie Childers is a Professor of Student Success at Blinn College in Bryan, Texas. COVID-19 has accelerated digitalization, promoting conversations of different learning pathways for students. Educators must find creative ways...
HyFlex, Hybrid and Online…Oh My! Shawn Orr is faculty in the Department of Communication Studies and the Director of the Center for Innovation and Teaching Excellence at Ashland University. As college administrators continue their planning and...
Mentoring Your LGBTQIA+ Students During Pride Month (and Every Month) Leslie Driscoll is a freelance copywriter and proud member of the LGBTQIA+ community. Pride month often brings to mind parades with extravagant floats and festive onlookers—illustrating a stark change from its...